Post date: Jul 26, 2012 5:40:51 PM

Horizon Development Markets unveils its new market intelligence tool for the travel, tourism and hospitality industry

Pierre Blime, Managing Partner at Horizon Development, has unveiled on July 26, 2012 the new tool that will assist the tourism and hospitality industry to get a better view at whom are their potential future clients and how to connect with them . At a time when the value of voluntary feed-back systems such as Trip-Advisor cannot be trusted any longer, Horizon Development Markets has developed a range of very rigorous products that were designed specifically to assist decision-making in the travel and hospitality industry, with a strong experience and focus on Nordic countries. MarketTour™ is the cumulating result of the combination of expertise between Horizon Development's Baltic Ambassador programme and Horizon Development Markets, with a focus on dynamic market research and the most recent communication and social media tools.