
MarketTour™ is a specific set of market research tools that Horizon Development Market has developed to specifically give the travel and hospitality industry a 360° angle view on their markets.

At a time of great disruptions in the travel & hospitality market, Horizon Development Markets has developed a range of very rigorous products that were designed specifically to assist decision-making in the travel and hospitality industry, with a strong experience and focus on Nordic countries. MarketTour™ is the cumulating result of the combination of expertise between Horizon Development's Baltic Ambassador programme and Horizon Development Markets, with a focus on dynamic market research and the most recent communication and social media tools.

MarketTour™ is an inexpensive and cost-effective tool that was designed to respond to large travel, hospitality and tourism organizations needs in CRM and market intelligence. It can be easily customized to also allow small and medium sized tourism and hospitality enterprises anywhere to acquire at a reduced cost and with a very simple mode of operation the necessary market intelligence that will allow them to drive their business development efforts in the right direction without having to face the cost of expensive and often difficult-to-maintain CRM systems.

Due to the previous experiences of both Horizon Development Markets and the Baltic Ambassador Programme, Market Tour is particularly effective for all countries of the Baltic Sea Region (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, NW Russia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), but that can also be easily adapted to other regions.

    • Customized market research
    • Macro-economic sectorial background analysis and perspectives
    • Product and service satisfaction studies
    • Social networks communication impact analysis
    • Product development validation surveys
    • Mystery shoppers operations & feedback analysis
    • Tour operators' choice investigations & analysis
    • Feedback analysis on special promotional campaigns